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Handwashing Awareness Week

By: | Tags: | Comments: 0 | December 15th, 2022

“Wash your hands!” This was a typical command that many of us were given before eating a meal when we were children. And oh, how right they were to direct us to wash our hands! Did you know proper handwashing can prevent 1 in 5 infections, including the flu? That’s right! Ensuring that you wash your hands properly is vital to keeping your health a main priority. Check out the best way to wash your hands below:


Remember these 5 steps:

Wet your hands

Lather – Get a good lather going between your fingers and under the nails

Scrub – Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, that’s the length of singing your ABC’s. Be sure to get the back of your hands too!


Dry – Use paper towels or a clean towel


Washing your hands when they are dirty or before you eat can cut down on the amount of bacteria that can go into your system. Another big change for so many of us is to cover your cough with the inside of your elbow. Many of us know that we should cover our coughs and sneezes, but did you know using your hands is not the best way to cover that cough or sneeze? We now know that using the inside of your elbow limits the spread of germs significantly. With that, it’s also very important to keep your fingers and hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth as much as possible. This will also mitigate the spread of germs and help eliminate the possibility of contracting an illness.


No matter where you are, or what age you are, keeping yourself safe from potential sickness can be as easy as washing your hands. Make sure that you make proper handwashing a priority wherever you are!

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