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18Aug, 2022

Hurricane Season: Useful Tools

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Most Texans are well seasoned when it comes to hurricane preparedness. We know items like flashlights, batteries, water, and first aid kits are imperative to have in your hurricane kit. See the list below for a few other items to add to your kits that come in handy in case of an emergency:   HEADLAMPS We know flashlights and batteries are necessary but having a headlamp can make a world of difference in an emergency situation. A headlamp can free up your hands, allowing you to move freely during a […]

26Apr, 2022

Prescription Drug Take-Back Day

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Do you remember when getting rid of prescription medications meant flushing them down the toilet? Those days are over! Since then, we’ve learned that discarding medications in toilets or down the drain directly affects our water supply. Throwing medications in garbage cans can also pose a risk as they can be retrieved and abused or sold. So, what should we do with those medications that are expired or unused? Prescription Drug Take-Back Day was established to encourage the health and safety of American households and to prevent medication misuse and […]